~~Cik ZueRa85 HuNgaH-HuNgGaH~~
✿✿ AsSaLaMuALaIkUm....✿✿
Sunday, March 20, 2011 @ 10:35 PM | 0 Comment [s]

Nak kate sibuk xde la sgt...cume ade satu penyakit yg tlh melanda dri ini...
Yakni penyakit "MALAS"...hahaha...Klu da penyakit nih dtg menyerang...
Mmg la kan sume keje xjd..ahaks~~
Tp tetibe lak ari nih...teringin nak smbg semula tulis bLOg...
Ape ntah mimpi aku...hihihi...Muking penyakit lg satu nih dtg...
Yakni penyakit "RAJIN"...hahaha~~
Rajin sgt ke aku nih???hahaha...padahal pemalas je aku rase..hikhik...
Rajin la sekejap..kang bertukar la blk tuh..hehe....
Hurmm...actuaLLy aku RINDU kan seseOrg...
Sgt rindukan die..tp xtau cane nak luahkan...
Emmm..ntah die RINDUkan aku ke x?hUrmm...
Awk....Sy terlalu RINDU kan awk sgt2...

If U want tO knOw
hOw much I mIss U
LOOk at the sky and
cOunt tHe StArS
tHe OnE U cOuNt iS
hOw mUch U mIss mE
And tHe One U mIss
Is hOw mUch I mIss U~~

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